Carefully chosen masks shipped from best international sources (China and South America), prepared for sale in Europe and the world.
All masks are inspected, sterilized with UV Light, and shipped packaged in packs of 10 or 50.
They are all made according to medical specifications but for legal reasons, we sell only as protective equipment.
They are all medical grade.
We ship using DHL all over the world from Europe (Poland).
The product is physically here in Europe.
When you make an order, write to me (Oziway Messenger) and ask how to pay.
International transfers: Bank Transfer (directly to me), PayPal (directly to me), Oziway Wallet payments possible.
In Europe we can deliver with payment upon delivery.
The payment for this offer will need to be made directly to the Seller (the details regarding the payment wil be provided by the Seller using the Messages in the Dashboard)
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